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What’s Next? The Next Symposium
Prof Alan Duffy, Prof Michelle Simmons, Dr Lisa Harvey-Smith, Upulie Divisekera, Adam Spencer with host Ray Martin
Doors 6:30pm
Show 7:30pm
When the smartest minds come together to discuss, debate and demonstrate how innovations in science, technology and engineering will fundamentally change the way we’ll live, work and play, it’s like having your own crystal ball to search into the future.
NEXT is itself a new innovation; a panel show live on stage but with the latest technologies connecting you to the intellectual entertainment; fun, engaging and mind blowing.
The inaugural show will discuss the next industrial revolution, the lesser known ramifications of climate change and the latest legacies of the space race. And anything you care to ask.
Fun, frivolity, some serious science, interactivity and a lot to think about.
Our panel members for the inaugural show:
Prof Alan Duffy Astrophysicist who uses supercomputers to uncover the nature of dark matter and the key physical laws that govern the formation of the cosmos.
Prof Michelle Simmons Pioneer in atomic electronics and Quantum computing, Prof Simmons established a large research group dedicated to the fabrication of atomic-scale devices in silicon using the atomic precision of a scanning tunnelling microscopy. Her group has developed the world’s smallest transistor and the narrowest conducting wires in silicon made with atomic precision.
Dr Lisa Harvey-Smith Astronomer, ultramarathon runner and black hole wrangler. Research interests include the birth and death of stars and galaxy evolution.
Upulie Divisekera Molecular biologist and specialist in nanotechnology, studied the generation of bespoke nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery and gene therapy.
Adam Spencer A comedian, mathematician and for 15 years one of Australia’s most respected, wittiest and most thought-provoking breakfast radio commentators.
Ray Martin Holding the panel together, five-time Gold Logie winner, legendary television journalist and presenter, live show host.
As the world lurches towards an era of alternative facts, it is imperative for us to have a critical understanding of the many emerging technologies, innovations, and scientific endeavours that will determine what’s likely to happen NEXT. From the way businesses will run, the way we live our personal lives, to the way we get about, communicate, combat pandemics or save the planet.
Thought proving. Entertaining. Unmissable.